What is System Testing?

The latest Testing Glossary video is here!

So you've tested components in isolation, you've tested components working together in subsystems, and now you have a complete integrated system. How do you test that? System testing is normally performed by independent testers – independent of developers, that is. But should we repeat the tests of developers and users, or trust they did or will do a great a job? We're testing the internal integration of the system, for sure. But are integrations with other systems real or simulated or in scope at all? Should we test every feature or just the important ones? Should we use more realistic data or make copies of live? Perhaps. System testing has ambitious goals, but we usually have to compromise. Are these compromises safe?

System testing is what most test engineers do in their job. What do you tell people at cocktail parties when they ask, what do you do for a living?

This video explains...


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